Key dates and deadlines

September 1, 2023       Abstract submission form opening

October 31, 2023          Abstract submission deadline- OPEN UNTIL 7, NOVEMBER 

December 15, 2023      Acceptance / Rejection notification for authors

Rules for submission

Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only. Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.

Guidelines for submission

  • Abstracts submitted to ASH 2023, EHA 2023, EBMT 2023 and other international conferences may be submitted in identical format and wording.
  • For other abstracts: Abstract text - limited to 300 words (excluding title, authors and affilliations).
  • The abstract may contain a maximum of 1 figure and 1 table.
  • Abstract will not be edited. Authors are responsible for the content and form of their abstracts. Correction will not be sent.


Please fill out the short registration form (on the left side of the page - the REGISTRATION button). After filling out and submitting the form, you will receive access data that authorize you to enter the user zone. Here you can upload your abstracts.